Uncle Aaron Quotes

Latest Uncle Aaron quotes from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Uncle Aaron

Uncle Aaron chatacter image

Uncle Aaron is played by Mahershala Ali in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.


Uncle Aaron : Miles...
Miles Morales : Uncle Aaron. This is my fault.
Uncle Aaron : No, Miles. I'm sorry. I wanted you to look up to me. I let you down, man, I let you down. You're the best of all of us, Miles. You're on your way. Just... just keep going... just keep going...

Uncle Aaron : You know about the shoulder touch?
Miles Morales : 'Course I do.
Miles Morales : But, uh, tell me anyway.
Uncle Aaron : Walk up to her and be like...
Uncle Aaron : ... hey.
Miles Morales : You serious, Uncle Aaron?
Uncle Aaron : I'm telling you man, it's science.
Miles Morales : So walk up to her and be like...
Miles Morales : ... hey.
Uncle Aaron : No, no, no, no. Like... hey.
Miles Morales : Hey.
Uncle Aaron : No. Hey.
Miles Morales : Hey.
Uncle Aaron : You sure you my nephew, man?

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