Thor Quotes

Latest Thor quotes from Thor: Ragnarok


Thor chatacter image

In the third installment of Thor movies, Chris Hemsworth returns as the mighty Thor. With his hammer crushed and Asgard invaded by Hela, Thor finds himself in a contest with his old ally Hulk. With his mischievous brother Loki and powerful Hulk he must fight and win over Hela the goddess of Death.

Thor is played by Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Ragnarok.


Thor: I am Thor, son of Odin!
Hela: Really? You don't look like him.
Loki: Perhaps we can come to an agreement...
Hela: YOU sound like him.


Surtur: Thor, son of Odin.
Thor: Surtur. Son of... a bitch!


I have dire plans for destiny. image

I have dire plans for destiny.


Thor: I am Thor, god of thunder, and I say now, not one blade of my locks shall be severed! [pause] Please don't cut my hair! Noooooo!


She's too powerful, I have no hammer. image

She's too powerful, I have no hammer.


[Hela catches Thor's hammer]
Thor: It's not possible!
Hela: You have no idea what's possible.


Hela: Kneel.
Loki: I'm sorry?
Hela: Kneel, before your queen.
Thor: I don't think so.


Thor: Hey, big guy. Sun is getting real low.
[Hulk grabs Thor and beats him]
Loki: YES! That's what it feels like!


Life is about growth and change. But you, my dear god of mischief brother, just want to stay the same.


Thor: How did you end up here?
Korg: Well, I tried to start a revolution, but didn't print enough pamphlets so hardly anyone turned up. Except for my mum and her boyfriend, who I hate. As punishment, I was forced to be in here and become a gladiator. Bit of a promotional disaster that one, but I am actually organizing another revolution. I don't know if you'd be interested in something like that? Do you reckon you'd be interested?


Bruce Banner: Last time we saw you, you were trying to kill everyone. What are you up to these days?
Loki: It varies from moment to moment.


Thor: I had this unique hammer, made from the heart of a dying star. I would spin it, and I would fly.
Korg: You rode a hammer?
Thor: No, I would lie down.
Korg: The hammer rode you?
Thor: No, I would spin it and it would lift me off...
Korg: Oh my god, the hammer threw you off?
Thor: Off the ground, it threw me off the ground! image

Thor: I had this unique hammer, made from the heart of a dying star. I would spin it, and I would fly.
Korg: You rode a hammer?
Thor: No, I would lie down.
Korg: The hammer rode you?
Thor: No, I would spin it and it would lift me off...
Korg: Oh my god, the hammer threw you off?
Thor: Off the ground, it threw me off the ground!


Quinjet Computer: Voice activation required.
Thor: Thor.
Quinjet Computer: Access denied.
Thor: Thor.
Quinjet Computer: Access denied
Thor: Strongest Avenger.
Quinjet Computer: Access denied.
Thor: Oh, Stark. Point Break.
Quinjet Computer: Welcome, Point Break.


A creepy old man cut my hair off!


[the Hulk appears in the arena]
Thor: Loki, look who it is!
Loki: I have to get off this planet...


I don't hang with the Avengers anymore. It all got too corporate.


Thor: My father once said, A wise man never seeks out war...
Hela: But he must always be ready for it!


Grandmaster: It's main event time. And now, I give you your Incredible...
[the Hulk bursts through the door]
Thor: We know each other. He's a friend from work.


Thor: How do I escape?
Heimdall: You're on a planet surrounded by holes, pick one!
Thor: Which one?
Heimdall: The biggest one!


Thor: We have to stop her here and now, and prevent Ragnarok, the end of everything! So I'm putting together a team.
Loki: Like the old days.


Thor: Hela, the goddess of death, has invaded Asgard, and you and I had a fight.
Bruce Banner: Did I win?
Thor: No, I won. Easily!
Bruce Banner: That does not sound right...
Thor: Well, it's true!


Surtur: Ragnarok can not be stopped, what makes you think you can succeed?
Thor: Because that's what heroes do!


Thor: Where are the weapons?
Valkyrie: There aren't any! The Grandmaster used the ship mainly for orgies.
Thor: Better not touch anything.


Valkyrie: This team of yours, it got a name?
Thor: Yeah, it's called the... uh... Revengers!


So much has happened since I last saw you! I lost my hammer, like yesterday, so that's still fresh. Then I went on a journey of self-discovery. Then I met you. image

So much has happened since I last saw you! I lost my hammer, like yesterday, so that's still fresh. Then I went on a journey of self-discovery. Then I met you.


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