Kory Anders Quotes

Latest Kory Anders quotes from Titans

Kory Anders

Kory Anders chatacter image

Kory Anders is played by Anna Diop in Titans.


 I'm going to change this music before my head explodes. image

I'm going to change this music before my head explodes.


Donna Troy: Did he just leave?
Dawn Granger: Yup.
Kory Anders: So, let me get this straight. Bruce Wayne somehow miraculously arranged for us all to meet in this diner in the middle of nowhere to mansplain us into putting the Titans back together?
Dawn Granger: Yup. I think that's exactly what just happened. image

Donna Troy: Did he just leave?
Dawn Granger: Yup.
Kory Anders: So, let me get this straight. Bruce Wayne somehow miraculously arranged for us all to meet in this diner in the middle of nowhere to mansplain us into putting the Titans back together?
Dawn Granger: Yup. I think that's exactly what just happened.


Gar Logan: It's uh... little weird if you guys watch me and all. The first time I transformed I tore through my clothes and uh... this is my favorite jacket.
Dick Grayson: Hold on. You have to be naked, too ?
Gar Logan: Yeah, but it'll be worth it! I promise.
Kory Anders: Heard that before.

Kory Anders: Remove them.
Faddei: A guy travels 20 million miles to give you a lift home, and you want to get royal on me?


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