Harry S. Stamper Quotes

Latest Harry S. Stamper quotes from Armageddon

Harry S. Stamper

Harry S. Stamper chatacter image

Harry S. Stamper is played by Bruce Willis in Armageddon.


 We win, Gracie ! image

We win, Gracie !

 If we don't put this bomb down in a hole 800 feet onto a fault line, all you're gonna have is a real expensive fireworks show. image

If we don't put this bomb down in a hole 800 feet onto a fault line, all you're gonna have is a real expensive fireworks show.

 I ain't gonna kill him. I'm just gonna take a foot off of him. A man can work with one foot. image

I ain't gonna kill him. I'm just gonna take a foot off of him. A man can work with one foot.

  Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to tell us who actually killed Kennedy, would ya? image

Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to tell us who actually killed Kennedy, would ya?

Grace Stamper : Listen, Harry, A.J. is my choice - my choice and not yours.
Harry Stamper : He's the only one in your age bracket, Grace. It's not a choice, it's a lack of options.


Harry Stamper : For god's sakes, think about what you're doin'. Why are you listening to someone that's a 100,000 miles away? We're here, nobody down there can help us. So if we don't get this job done, everybody's gone.
Chick : One minute.
Harry Stamper : I have been drilling holes in the earth for 30 years. And I have never, NEVER missed a depth that I have aimed for. And by God, I am not gonna miss this one, I will make 800 feet.
Chick : 42 seconds.
Harry Stamper : But I can't do it alone, Colonel. I need your help.
Colonel William Sharp : Do you swear on your daughter's life, on my family's, that you can hit that mark?
Harry Stamper : I will make 800 feet. I swear to God I will.
Colonel William Sharp : Then let's turn this bomb off.


Houston, you have a problem. You see, I promised my little girl that I'd be comin' home. Now I don't know what you people are doing down there, but we've got a hole to dig up here!


I'm gonna give you three seconds to shut this bomb down, and then I'm gonna make you shoot me.


Harry Stamper : Come on, God, just a little help. It's all I'm asking.
Max : I think we're close enough, He might have heard ya.


Quincy! Somebody tell me what this is. Plastic ice cream scoop? What'd that cost? About $400.


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