Felix Leiter Quotes

Latest Felix Leiter quotes from Casino Royale (2006)

Felix Leiter

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Felix Leiter is played by Jeffrey Wright in Casino Royale (2006).


Felix Leiter : I should have introduced myself, seeing as we're related. Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley.
Felix Leiter : You should have faith. As long as you keep your head about you, I think you have him.
James Bond : Had. Excuse me.
Felix Leiter : You're not buying in?
James Bond : No.
Felix Leiter : Listen, I'm bleeding chips. I'm not going to last much longer. You have a better chance. I'll stake you. I'm saying I'll give you the money to keep going. Just one thing: you pull it off, the CIA bring him in.
James Bond : What about the winnings?
Felix Leiter : Does it look like we need the money?

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