Elizabeth Halsey Quotes

Latest Elizabeth Halsey quotes from Bad Teacher

Elizabeth Halsey

Elizabeth Halsey chatacter image

Elizabeth Halsey is played by Cameron Diaz in Bad Teacher.


I'm going to suck your dick like I'm mad at it. image

I'm going to suck your dick like I'm mad at it.

Did you know I walked in on him trying to fuck his dog? Peanut butter everywhere. image

Did you know I walked in on him trying to fuck his dog? Peanut butter everywhere.

Well, that's my spiel, as the Jews say. image

Well, that's my spiel, as the Jews say.

 Fuck my ass! image

Fuck my ass!

Lynn Davies : I love how his eyes sparkle.
Elizabeth Halsey : I want to sit on his face.


I tell you what I know. A kid who wears the same gymnastics sweatshirt three days a week isn't getting laid until he's 29. that's what I know.


Hello titties.


This was a warning. Next time, I don't call the principal. I call the cops


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