Colonel William Lennox Quotes

Latest Colonel William Lennox quotes from Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)

Colonel William Lennox

Colonel William Lennox chatacter image

Colonel William Lennox is played by Josh Duhamel in Transformers: The Last Knight (2017).


 You know who they always kill first? Lawyers. image

You know who they always kill first? Lawyers.

 I've heard that voice in my nightmares... image

I've heard that voice in my nightmares...

Berserker : I'll suck your brains!
Lawyer : Absolutely not!
Colonel William Lennox : Yeah, no! Nope. No. There are limits. Pick again.

Colonel William Lennox : What are you looking for, Megatron? What do you want?
Megatron : What everyone wants: to go home!

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