Yu Shu Lien Quotes

Latest Yu Shu Lien quotes from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Yu Shu Lien

Yu Shu Lien chatacter image

Yu Shu Lien is played by Michelle Yeoh in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.


Yu Shu Lien:   Return the sword and I'll let you go.
Yu Shu Lien: You've been trained at Wudan? image

Yu Shu Lien: Return the sword and I'll let you go.
Yu Shu Lien: You've been trained at Wudan?


To repress one's feelings only makes them stronger.


Whatever path you decide to take in this life... be true to yourself. image

Whatever path you decide to take in this life... be true to yourself.


Without Green Destiny, you are nothing!


This particular thief... is very unusual. And most likely smarter than a mere killer.


 Are you happy now that the sword is back? image

Are you happy now that the sword is back?


I beg your pardon. Li Mu Bai and I aren't cowards.


The sword has brought Li Mu Bai as much trouble as glory.


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