Woo-jin Lee Quotes

Latest Woo-jin Lee quotes from Oldboy

Woo-jin Lee

Woo-jin Lee chatacter image

Woo-jin Lee is played by Yoo Ji-Tae in Oldboy.


Remember this:

Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same."


You want to torture me, but I can simply kill myself first. Do you want revenge, or do you want the truth? image

You want to torture me, but I can simply kill myself first. Do you want revenge, or do you want the truth?


You really are the very monster I created, aren't you? But you won't find out the

You really are the very monster I created, aren't you? But you won't find out the "why" of this if you kill me. Fifteen years of being curious would go to waste.


My sister and I loved each other, despite everything. Can you do the same? image

My sister and I loved each other, despite everything. Can you do the same?


Your gravest mistake wasn't failing to find the answer. You can't find the right answer if you ask the wrong questions.


My sister and I loved each other, despite everything. Can you two do the same?


And now... now, what joy will I have left to live for?


Dae-su Oh talks too much.


I'm going to kill every woman you love until you die. You're notorious for not protecting your women.


What I am isn't important. WHY is important.


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