Viggo Tarasov Quotes

Latest Viggo Tarasov quotes from John wick

Viggo Tarasov

Viggo Tarasov chatacter image

Viggo Tarasov is played by Michael Nyqvist in John wick.


 John is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will, something you know very little about. image

John is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will, something you know very little about.


People don't change. You know that. Times, they do. image

People don't change. You know that. Times, they do.


Viggo Tarasov : I heard you struck my son. image

Viggo Tarasov : I heard you struck my son.


I'll say this, John. They sure as fuck broke the mold with you. image

I'll say this, John. They sure as fuck broke the mold with you.


Aurelio : Yes, sir, I did.
Viggo Tarasov : And may I ask why?
Aurelio : Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick's car, sir, and, uh, killed his dog.
Viggo Tarasov Oh.


Viggo Tarasov : Hello, John.
Viggo Tarasov : I heard about your wife, and I'm sorry. My condolences. It's, uh, seems to be fate, or happenstance, or just bad fuckin' luck caused our paths to cross once again.
Viggo Tarasov : John?
Viggo Tarasov : Let us not resort to our baser instincts and handle this like civilized men to move on...
Avi : What'd he say?
Viggo Tarasov :Enough.
Avi : Oh, God.
Viggo Tarasov : Task your crew.
Avi : H-how, how many?
Viggo Tarasov : How many do you have?


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