Troy Bolton Quotes

Latest Troy Bolton quotes from High School Musical 2

Troy Bolton

Troy Bolton chatacter image

Troy Bolton is played by Zac Efron in High School Musical 2.


Cool balls. image

Cool balls.


Whatever happens, long as we're together, it's cool, right? image

Whatever happens, long as we're together, it's cool, right?


Gabriella Montez: Here's to our future
Troy Bolton: No. Here's to right now.

Good job, killer, make the ball fear you.


Troy Bolton: I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future, until it actually started happening.
Gabriella Montez: So, let's just think about right now.

Gabriella Montez: My mom said summer jobs are good on college applications.
Troy Bolton: All part of the frightening concept called our future.

Troy Bolton: ...I promise.
Gabriella Montez: Promise is a really big word, Troy.

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