Thomas Crown Quotes

Latest Thomas Crown quotes from The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)

Thomas Crown

Thomas Crown chatacter image

Thomas Crown is played by Pierce Brosnan in The Thomas Crown Affair (1999).


 Regret is usually a waste of time, as is gloating image

Regret is usually a waste of time, as is gloating


Do you want to dance? Or do you want to DANCE? image

Do you want to dance? Or do you want to DANCE?


Here's to the fear of being trapped. image

Here's to the fear of being trapped.


The Psychiatrist : I want you to talk about women.
The Psychiatrist : Mr. Crown?
Thomas Crown : I'm sorry?
The Psychiatrist : Women. You get to talk about women.
Thomas Crown : Oh, I enjoy women.
The Psychiatrist : Enjoyment isn't intimacy.
Thomas Crown : And intimacy isn't necesarily enjoyment.
The Psychiatrist : How would you know? Has it occured to you that you have a problem with trust?
Thomas Crown : I trust myself implicitly.
The Psychiatrist : But can other people trust you?
Thomas Crown : Oh, you mean society at large?
The Psychiatrist : I mean women, Mr.Crown.
Thomas Crown : Yes, a woman could trust me.
The Psychiatrist : Good. Under what extraordinary circumstances would you allow that to happen?
Thomas Crown : A woman could trust me as long as her interests didn't run too contrary to my own.
The Psychiatrist : And society? If ITS interests should run counter to your own?


John Reynolds : Tommy, that's a hundred thousand dollars on a goddam golf swing!
Thomas Crown : It's a beautiful Saturday morning, John... What the hell else have we got to do?


I hope it's not because you find my company monotonous.


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