Suyin Quotes

Latest Suyin quotes from The Meg


Suyin chatacter image

Suyin is played by Bingbing Li in The Meg.


Suyin : I'm trapped! I'm in it's mouth!
Jaxx :  That cage will not break.
Suyin : That's the problem. The cage is being swallowed. image

Suyin : I'm trapped! I'm in it's mouth!
Jaxx : That cage will not break.
Suyin : That's the problem. The cage is being swallowed.


Dr. Minway Zhang : Since 1875 we've all believed the Mariana Trench was the deepest place on Earth. I've had a theory that we think is the bottom might actually be a layer if hydrogen sulfide. Beneath that cloud, and a freezing cold thermocline there could be a completely different world.Jack Morris : Wow.
Suyin : The Origin is about to see if my father is right. If there is warm water below, that means we're going to be the first to see it.
Jack Morris : And what if you're wrong?
Dr. Minway Zhang : Then you have wasted $1.3 billion.
Jack Morris : You're kidding. He's kidding, right?


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