Stuart Little Quotes

Latest Stuart Little quotes from Stuart Little 2 (2002)

Stuart Little

Stuart Little chatacter image

Stuart Little is played by Michael J. Fox in Stuart Little 2 (2002).


Stuart Little : Don't worry about Snowbell. He wouldn't hurt a fly.
Snowbell :   Oh, those flies really come back on ya! image

Stuart Little : Don't worry about Snowbell. He wouldn't hurt a fly.
Snowbell : Oh, those flies really come back on ya!


Stuart Little :  Snowbell, I need more change.
Snowbell : What do I look like, a fanny pack? image

Stuart Little : Snowbell, I need more change.
Snowbell : What do I look like, a fanny pack?


There is no silver lining! image

There is no silver lining!


 If I live through this, I'm sticking to painting and dancing! image

If I live through this, I'm sticking to painting and dancing!


  Oof, hey look! The Yankees won! image

Oof, hey look! The Yankees won!


George Little : Stuart!
George Little : Stuart, where are you? How are you? Are you all right? Did you find her? How's Snowbell? When are you coming home? Mom and Dad are asking alotta questions.
Stuart Little : So are you.


Stuart Little : She's in terrible trouble, and I have to help her. I mean, what am I, a man or a
Stuart Little : mouse?
Snowbell : Uh... is that a trick question?


Snowbell : This better be important.
Stuart Little : Margalo's still missing.
Snowbell : I should have been more specific. I meant important to me.


Stuart Little : How can you think of eating at a time like this?
Snowbell : Look, I'm nervous. And when I'm nervous I eat. 'Cuz I know, in my growling gut, that if anything happens to you, I'll be blamed. I'm sure the Littles already know we're gone and are planning to replace me with a hampster.


Fredrick Little : Stuart?
Stuart Little : Yeah, Dad?
Fredrick Little : What's the silver lining this time?
Stuart Little : She'll be back in the spring.


Stuart Little : Don't worry, George is covering for us!
Snowbell : George? George doesn't know poop from applesauce! And I say that with a great deal of affection!


Fredrick Little : What's the "silver lining" Stuart?
Stuart Little : She'll be back in the spring.


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