Stephanie Smith Quotes

Latest Stephanie Smith quotes from 8 Mile

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith chatacter image

Stephanie Smith is played by Kim Basinger in 8 Mile.


I gave 'im that nickname. When he was little he had these buck teeth and big ears and he was so cute, wike a wittle rabbit. image

I gave 'im that nickname. When he was little he had these buck teeth and big ears and he was so cute, wike a wittle rabbit.

Stephanie : Did you mean what you said about doing that demo with Wink?
Jimmy Smith Jr : Naw... imma do it on my own.
Stephanie : You know, Rabbit? I think that's the best way.

What are you doing with your life THAT'S SO GREAT, Rabbit? image

What are you doing with your life THAT'S SO GREAT, Rabbit?

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