Stansfield Quotes

Latest Stansfield quotes from Léon: The Professional


Stansfield chatacter image

Stansfield is played by Gary Oldman in Léon: The Professional.


Stansfield: Bring me everyone.
3rd Stansfield man: What do you mean

Stansfield: Bring me everyone.
3rd Stansfield man: What do you mean "everyone"?
Stansfield: EVERYONE!


Stansfield: I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven. Can you hear it? It's like when you put your head to the grass and you can hear the growin' and you can hear the insects. Do you like Beethoven?
Malky: I couldn't really say. image

Stansfield: I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven. Can you hear it? It's like when you put your head to the grass and you can hear the growin' and you can hear the insects. Do you like Beethoven?
Malky: I couldn't really say.


Death is... whimsical... today. image

Death is... whimsical... today.


Stansfield: You're a Mozart fan. I love him too. I looooove Mozart! He was Austrian you know? But for this kind of work,
Stansfield: he's a little bit light. So I tend to go for the heavier guys. Check out Brahms. He's good too. image

Stansfield: You're a Mozart fan. I love him too. I looooove Mozart! He was Austrian you know? But for this kind of work,
Stansfield: he's a little bit light. So I tend to go for the heavier guys. Check out Brahms. He's good too.


I take no pleasure in taking a life if it's from a person who doesn't care about it. image

I take no pleasure in taking a life if it's from a person who doesn't care about it.


What, what, what? You're 200 men and you cant find one man and a girl? image

What, what, what? You're 200 men and you cant find one man and a girl?


I like these quiet little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven.


I haven't got time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit.


Stansfield: You don't like Beethoven. You don't know what you're missing. Overtures like that get my... juices flowing. So powerful. But after his openings, to be honest, he does tend to get a little fucking boring. That's why I stopped!
Stansfield: Toss the apartment.


Hey, what the fuck is going on up there? I said take the guy out, not the whole fucking building!


Stansfield: I have a lot of respect for your business, Tony. When you've killed for us in the past we've always been satisfied. And that's exactly why today is going to be very, very hard for me. I hope you'll excuse my mood.
Stansfield: My man was killed, right here, on your turf. And the chinks tell me that the hit man was kind of the... Italian type. So we figured that, uh, Tony might know something.
Stansfield: Wait - there's more. You're gonna love this. A few hours later, a little twelve-year-old girl comes to my office armed to the teeth, with the firm intention of sending me straight to the morgue. And do you know who came and got her in the middle of the afternoon right there in my building? The very... same... Italian hit man.
Stansfield: I'm dying to meet him.


What filthy piece of shit did I do now?


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