Shere Khan Quotes

Latest Shere Khan quotes from The Jungle Book (2016)

Shere Khan

Shere Khan chatacter image

Shere Khan is played by Idris Elba in The Jungle Book (2016).


 I think they like me. image

I think they like me.


But the one you have to watch out for is the cuckoo bird. Do you know how the cuckoo bird survives? By preying on a mother's weakness. The cuckoo bird is too cleaver to raise its young. Instead, it sneaks its eggs into the nests of simpler birds; so, when they hatch, the mother bird is fooled. She feeds them, nurtures them... And do you know what happens to her own chicks? They starve and die from neglect, all because a mother loved a chick that wasn't her own.


Shift your hunting ground for a few years and everyone forgets how the law works. Well, let me remind you. A man-cub becomes man, and man is FORBIDDEN!


I can't help but notice there's this strange odor today. What is it, this scent that I'm on? I almost... I almost think it was some kind of... man-cub.


Raksha : Why are you doing this? He's gone! Isn't that what you want?
Shere Khan : I want him dead. Once he gets word of what happened here, he'll come back... and I'll be waiting.


Shere Khan : Well, I guess it's done then... unless I can draw him BACK OUT!
Raksha : Akela!
Shere Khan : Have I got your attention now? I didn't want it to be this way. I made it SO simple. All I asked for was one thing, and you DENIED me! Well, that - ends - now. Spread the word! Until I have the man-cub, these hills are my hills. You did not RESPOND to reason, so now you will know fear!


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