Sean Boswell Quotes

Latest Sean Boswell quotes from The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)

Sean Boswell

Sean Boswell chatacter image

Sean Boswell is played by Lucas Black in The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006).


Can I get a copy of that?


Shawn Boswell : The day I got my license is the day I got my first speeding ticket. Day after that I won my first race, I beat this rich kid by three lengths.I've gotta admit, it felt good! It felt like...
Neela : Like everything else just disappears...
Shawn Boswell : No past and no future...
Neela : No problems. Just the moment...


Neela : You know, I almost didn't recognize you without your slippers on.
Shawn Boswell : Don't you mean uwabaki?


Drift King : You know who I am, boy?
Shawn Boswell : Yeah. You're like the Justin Timberlake of Japan, right?


Han : The Red Evo's yours
Shawn Boswell : What do you mean?
Han : You're representing me now. What you think, I'm gonna let you roll in a Hyundai?


Twinkie : Do you know what 'D.K.' means?
Shawn Boswell : Donkey Kong?


Shawn Boswell : Why'd you let me race your car? You knew I was gonna wreck it.
Han : Why not?
Shawn Boswell : 'Cause that's a lot of money.
Han : I have money, it's trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. One car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of? That's a price I can live with.


Cindy : Nice car.
Shawn Boswell : It does the job.
Cindy : Doing what? Delivering pizzas?
Shawn Boswell : It's not the ride, it's the rider.
Clay : You talking to my girl?
Shawn Boswell : She was just admiring my ride.
Clay : That? My grandma's Buick can smoke that piece of shit trailer trash !
Shawn Boswell : What about your daddy's Viper?
Clay : This beast's got 500-horsepower and a Borla exhaust system. It does 0-60 in what, 4.3 seconds?
Shawn Boswell : Wow. You can read the brochure.

Cindy : Why don't you nice boys let your cars do the talking?
Shawn Boswell : I only race for pink slips.
Clay : This car goes for 80 grand. What am I gonna do with a broken-ass piece of shit like that?
Cindy : How about me?
Cindy : Winner gets... me.

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