Sarah Connor Quotes

Latest Sarah Connor quotes from Terminator Dark Fate

Sarah Connor

Sarah Connor chatacter image

Sarah Connor is played by Linda Hamilton in Terminator Dark Fate.


 I'll be back. image

I'll be back.


I'll be back. image

I'll be back.


Rev-9 : Why not just let me have her?
Sarah Connor : Because we're not machines, you metal motherfucker!


Sarah Connor : Children look like burnt paper. Black. Not moving. And then the blast wave hits them. And then they fly apart like leaves.
Dr. Silberman : Dreams of cataclysm, the end of the world are very common.
Sarah Connor : It's not a dream, you moron. It's real. I know the date it happens.
Dr. Silberman : I'm sure it feels real to you.
Sarah Connor : On August 29, 1997 it's gonna feel pretty fucking real to you too! Anybody not wearing two-million sunblock is gonna have a bad day. Get it?


Rev-9 : Why not just let me have her?
Sarah Connor : Because we're not machines, you metal motherfucker!


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