Ryan Evans Quotes

Latest Ryan Evans quotes from High School Musical

Ryan Evans

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Ryan Evans is played by Lucas Grabeel in High School Musical.


Sharpay: We gotta do something. Okay, our callbacks are on Thursday, and the basketball game and scholastic decathelon are on Friday...
Sharpay: Too bad all of these events weren't happening on the same day, at the same time.
Ryan Evans: Well... that wouldn't work out because then Troy and Gabriella wouldn't be able to make the...
Ryan Evans: I'm proud to call you my sister.
Sharpay: I know.

Ryan: Maybe we're being Punk'd!
Sharpay: What?
Ryan: Maybe we're being filmed right now. Maybe we'll get to meet Ashton!
Sharpay: Oh, shut up, Ryan!

Sharpay: How dare she sign up. I've already picked out the colors for my dressing room.
Ryan: Besides, she hasn't even asked our permission to join the drama club.

Sharpay: Someone's gotta tell her the rules.
Ryan: Exactly.
Ryan: ... And what're the rules?

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