Rose Dewitt Bukater Quotes

Latest Rose Dewitt Bukater quotes from Titanic

Rose Dewitt Bukater

Rose Dewitt Bukater chatacter image

Rose Dewitt Bukater is played by Kate Winslet in Titanic.


 I'll never let go, Jack. I promise. image

I'll never let go, Jack. I promise.

 I'm through being polite, goddammit! Now, take me down. image

I'm through being polite, goddammit! Now, take me down.

Carpathia Steward : Can I take your name, please love?
Rose : Dawson, Rose Dawson. image

Carpathia Steward : Can I take your name, please love?
Rose : Dawson, Rose Dawson.

 Jack! This is where we first met. image

Jack! This is where we first met.

As a paying customer, I expect to get what I want.

What? Do you think a first class girl can't drink?

Rose : Mr. Andrews, forgive me. I did the sum in my head and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned, forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard.
Thomas Andrews : 'Bout half, actually. Rose, you miss nothing, do you?

That's John Jacob Astor, the richest man on the ship. His little wifey there, Madeline, is my age and in a delicate condition. See how she's trying to hide it?

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