Roger Perron Quotes

Latest Roger Perron quotes from The Conjuring (2013)

Roger Perron

Roger Perron chatacter image

Roger Perron is played by Ron Livingston in The Conjuring (2013).


Roger Perron : Hear that?
Carolyn Perron : I don't hear anything.
Roger Perron : Exactly. image

Roger Perron : Hear that?
Carolyn Perron : I don't hear anything.
Roger Perron : Exactly.


Carolyn Perron : Roger, this clock stopped at 3:07 and so did the one in the hallway.
Roger Perron : That's weird. Maybe it got knocked around in the move.


Carolyn Perron : What's up with Sadie?
Roger Perron : Yeah, I don't know what her problem is. Couldn't get her to come inside.
Carolyn Perron : Well, we can't leave her out there.
Roger Perron : She's alright, I got her on a chain.
Roger Perron : Sadie! Be quiet!


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