Rhodes Quotes

Latest Rhodes quotes from Day of the Dead (1985)


Rhodes chatacter image

Rhodes is played by Joseph Pilato in Day of the Dead (1985).


Captain Rhodes : Steel, shoot that woman.
Pvt. Steel : Bang, you're dead! image

Captain Rhodes : Steel, shoot that woman.
Pvt. Steel : Bang, you're dead!


 Go on run, run you fucking lunatics! image

Go on run, run you fucking lunatics!


 What the fuck is wrong with you people? They're dead! They're fuckin' dead! image

What the fuck is wrong with you people? They're dead! They're fuckin' dead!


 Is that food enough for you? image

Is that food enough for you?


Choke on 'em!


Dr. Logan : Is there food?
Rhodes : I'm running this monkey farm now Frankenstein and I wanna know... what the fuck you're doing with my time?


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