Ransom Drysdale Quotes

Latest Ransom Drysdale quotes from Knives Out (2019)

Ransom Drysdale

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Ransom Drysdale is played by Chris Evans in Knives Out (2019).


Ransom Drysdale : That's some heavy-duty conjecture.
Walt Thrombey : Funny, Ransom, you skipped the funeral, but you're early for the will reading.
Ransom Drysdale : Up your ass.

Meg Thrombey : Oh, very nice!
Ransom Drysdale :Matter of fact, eat shit. How's that?
Ransom Drysdale : Eat shit, eat shit, eat shit... dfinitely eat shit...
Ransom Drysdale : I got to do this more often.

This might be the best thing that has ever happened to you. My mother, ladies and gentlemen.

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