Rachel Chu Quotes

Latest Rachel Chu quotes from Crazy Rich Asians (2018)

Rachel Chu

Rachel Chu chatacter image

Rachel Chu is played by Constance Wu in Crazy Rich Asians (2018).


I can't believe this airport has a butterfly garden and a movie theatre. JFK is just salmonella and despair. image

I can't believe this airport has a butterfly garden and a movie theatre. JFK is just salmonella and despair.


Our brains so hate the idea of losing something that's valuable to us that we abandon all rational thought, and we make some really poor decisions. So, Curtis wasn't playing to win. He was playing not to lose. image

Our brains so hate the idea of losing something that's valuable to us that we abandon all rational thought, and we make some really poor decisions. So, Curtis wasn't playing to win. He was playing not to lose.


 I'm so Chinese I'm an econ professor with lactose intolerance. image

I'm so Chinese I'm an econ professor with lactose intolerance.


Rachel Chu : Is it just me or are people, like, staring at me?
Oliver T'sien : Oh, they're just jealous. You nabbed the crown prince.


Rachel Chu : What are you doing tonight?
Peik Lin Goh : I dunno, I was gonna go to FedEx or something.


Okay, game plan. Check our bags, get through security, and then we could eat one of the three homemade Tupperware meals my mom packed for us.


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