Nestor : One more thing, we need Achilles and his Myrmidon.
Agamemnon : Achilles? He can't be controlled. He's as likely to fight us as the Trojans.
Nestor : We don't need to control him, we need to unleash him. That man was born to end lives.
Agamemnon : Yes, he's a gifted killer. But he threatens everything I've built. Before me, Greece was nothing. I brought all the Greek kingdoms together. I created a nation out of fire worshippers and snake eaters! I build the future Nestor, Me! achilles is the past. A man who fights for no flag. A man loyal to no country.
Nestor : How many battles have we won off the edge of his sword? This will be the greatest war the world has ever seen. We need the greatest warrior.
Agamemnon : There's only one man he'll listen to.
Read more Agamemnon Quotes
From: Troy (2004)