William Drake : What exactly are you a professor *of*, "Professor Logan?"Wolverine : Art.
Read more Logan QuotesFrom: X-Men United (2003)
Pyro : So, they say you're the bad guy.Magneto : Is that what they say?Pyro : That's a dorky looking helmet. What's it for?Magneto : This "dorky looking helmet" is the only thing that's going to protect me from the REAL bad guys.Magneto : What's your name?Pyro : John.Magneto : What's your real name, John?Pyro : Pyro.Magneto : Quite a talent you have there, Pyro.Pyro : I can only manipulate the firePyro : I can't create it.Magneto : You are a god among insects. Never let anyone tell you different.
Wolverine : Got any beer?Bobby : This is a school.Wolverine : So that's a "no"?Bobby : Yeah, that's a "no."Wolverine : Got anything other than chocolate milk?
You picked the wrong house, bub.