The Flash quotes

Clifford DeVoe: "Once upon in some remote corner of that universe, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing."
The Flash: You're quoting Nietzsche at me?
Clifford DeVoe: You destroyed a satellite. Top marks, quick boy. You can destroy a thousand more and you will still march closer to the Enlightenment.
The Flash: I forget what Nietzsche said about wiping minds. I must've skipped philosophy class...
Clifford DeVoe: Did I teach you nothing this year? Has nothing pierced your thick cowl? Think of it. Or rather don't. You'll just end up hurting yourself, so let me explain. A world enlightened. Within a day, all soldiers will lay down their arms. Every nuclear weapon will be disarmed within six months. Poverty, famine, disease - eradicated. We will clean up the streets. People will put down their idiot phones and become curious again, and I will be there to teach them. *I* - not you - will save this godforsaken world.
The Flash: No, you'll just control it. You want to take away free will.
Clifford DeVoe: A pittance for humanity to pay to know peace.
The Flash: But we won't know each other. Parents wouldn't remember their kids. Husbands won't remember their wives.
Clifford DeVoe: Good. You hit upon precisely the point. Emotion is the father of all error. Chemicals in our brain that distract us, impede progress. And the most destructive and ridiculous imbalance of all is that thing you feebles call love. I learned this from experience, Mr. Allen. And soon... you will too.