Pierce Quotes

Latest Pierce quotes from Logan (2017)


Pierce chatacter image

Pierce is played by Boyd Holbrook in Logan (2017).


I'm a fan, by the way. image

I'm a fan, by the way.


As I live and breathe,

As I live and breathe, "the Wolverine".


No. No! NO! image

No. No! NO!


Showtime, boy! image

Showtime, boy!


Stop shooting! She heals. image

Stop shooting! She heals.


See. You're not the only one who's been enhanced. image

See. You're not the only one who's been enhanced.


I want you to breathe. It's just a flesh wound, baby. image

I want you to breathe. It's just a flesh wound, baby.


Beware the light. image

Beware the light.


Found this in your pocket. Adamantium. If you are planning to blow your brains out, could you wait till you're out on the high seas? I just mopped these floors.


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