Nux Quotes

Latest Nux quotes from Mad Max Fury Road


Nux chatacter image

Nux is played by Nicholas Hoult in Mad Max Fury Road.


Imperator Furiosa: How does it feel?
The Splendid Angharad: It hurts.
Imperator Furiosa: Out here, everything hurts. You wanna get through this? Do as I say. Now pick up what you can and run. image

Imperator Furiosa: How does it feel?
The Splendid Angharad: It hurts.
Imperator Furiosa: Out here, everything hurts. You wanna get through this? Do as I say. Now pick up what you can and run.


Remember me? image

Remember me?


Oh, what a day... what a lovely day! image

Oh, what a day... what a lovely day!


I live, I die. I LIVE AGAIN!


Witness me. image

Witness me.


Nux: There's high ground, just beyond that thing.
Capable: He means the tree.
Nux: Yeah, tree! image

Nux: There's high ground, just beyond that thing.
Capable: He means the tree.
Nux: Yeah, tree!


 I've got a boot! image

I've got a boot!






If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die historic on the Fury Road!


I never thought I'd do something as shine as that.


Nux: I am the man... who grabs the sun... RIDING TO VALHALLA!


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