Nancy Quotes

Latest Nancy quotes from Sin City


Nancy chatacter image

Nancy is played by Jessica Alba in Sin City.


It has always been you. All these years... image

It has always been you. All these years...


 Let me stay close. Nothing can happen to me when I'm with you. image

Let me stay close. Nothing can happen to me when I'm with you.


John Hartigan: ...Get some sleep.
Nancy Callahan: Sleep with me.
John Hartigan: No, Nancy! image

John Hartigan: ...Get some sleep.
Nancy Callahan: Sleep with me.
John Hartigan: No, Nancy!


Yellow Bastard: Do you think I'm tired? You think I'm getting tired? You're the one who's gonna crack! You'll crack! You'll cry and beg! You'll Scream! Oh, yeah, you'll scream, you big, fat, ugly cow! You'll scream!
Yellow Bastard: You thinking the whip was the worse I could do? That was foreplay.
Nancy Callahan: Hartigan was right about you. You can't get it up unless I scream. You're pathetic! You're pathetic.
Yellow Bastard: It's not wise at all to make fun of me like that. It brings out the worst in me.


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