Morris Quotes

Latest Morris quotes from The Meg


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Morris is played by Rainn Wilson in The Meg.


Jack Morris : What is wrong with you?
DJ : I can't swim.
Jack Morris : No! Get out of here! Really?
DJ : Don't pull that racist stuff on me.
Jack Morris : Come on, man. Give me a break. I'm not being racist. You work literally, in the middle of the ocean.
DJ : This wasn't part of the job description. None of this was part of the job description! They left that part out!


Jack Morris : What have we here? This is, um, really ugly. You know, I realize that we're under construction and everything, but I really think that a world-class research institute deserves a world-class entrance.
Dr. Minway Zhang : Yeah, I couldn't agree more. Welcome to the O-Level.


Jack Morris : Well, how do you like that? That was a serious man versus nature moment. I'm glad things went our way.
Dr. Minway Zhang : It didn't go our way. Not for Toshi and not for science. We did what people always do - discover and then destroy.


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