Mr. Little Quotes

Latest Mr. Little quotes from Stuart Little 2 (2002)

Mr. Little

Mr. Little chatacter image

Mr. Little is played by Hugh Laurie in Stuart Little 2 (2002).


Mr. Little :  Crenshaw, Tina, and Uncle Stretch you go uptown. Cover as many streets as you can.
Mr. Little : Edgar, Beatrice, and Spencer you take downtown. Every side street and back alley.
Mr. Little : Estelle.
Mr. Little : You better go with them. image

Mr. Little : Crenshaw, Tina, and Uncle Stretch you go uptown. Cover as many streets as you can.
Mr. Little : Edgar, Beatrice, and Spencer you take downtown. Every side street and back alley.
Mr. Little : Estelle.
Mr. Little : You better go with them.


George Little : Maybe we should go home.
Mr. Little : Why?
George Little : I'm not wearing my lucky underwear.
Mr. Little : You don't have lucky underwear.
George Little : Well, maybe we should get some, and then come back for another race.


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