Maddy Bowen Quotes

Latest Maddy Bowen quotes from Blood Diamond

Maddy Bowen

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Maddy Bowen is played by Jennifer Connelly in Blood Diamond.


Maddy Bowen: Tell me where you are, and I will come help you.
Danny Archer:
I'm right where I'm supposed to be...

Danny Archer: Let me tell you something. You sell blood diamonds too.
Maddy Bowen: Really?
Danny Archer: Yeah.
Maddy Bowen: Tell me, how is that?
Danny Archer: Who do you think buys the stones that I bring out? Dreamy American girls who all want a storybook wedding and a big, shiny rock like the ones in the advertisements of your politically-correct magazines. So, please, don't come here and make judgments on me, all right?

Maddy Bowen: Smuggler?
Danny Archer: How about 'Soldier of Fortune'... or is that too much of a cliché?

Maddy Bowen: The entire country's at war. Why should I help this one person?
Maddy Bowen: I can't believe I just said that.

The people back home wouldn't buy a ring if they knew it cost someone else their hand.

Maddy Bowen: My dad came home from the war in '69. It took him about... twenty years to get right.
Danny Archer: You Americans - you Americans love to talk about your feelings, huh? So, what does that mean? What? You've got a thing for messed up vets now?
Maddy Bowen: Shut up.
Maddy Bowen: You lost both your parents.
Danny Archer: That's a - That's a polite way of putting it, ja. Mum was raped and shot and um... Dad was decapitated and hung from a hook in the barn. I was nine
Danny Archer: . Boo-hoo, right?
Danny Archer: Sometimes I wonder, will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realize... God left this place a long time ago.
Danny Archer: It's uh... Ah, What's the point, huh?

Maddy Bowen: The world is falling apart and all we hear about is blowjob-gate.
Danny Archer: When was the last time the world wasn't falling apart, huh?
Maddy Bowen: Uh, a cynic. Why don't you sit down and make me miserable?

Danny Archer: So, don't tell me you're here to make a difference, huh?
Maddy Bowen: And you're here to make a buck?
Danny Archer: I'm here for lack of a better idea.
Maddy Bowen: That's a shame.

Maddy Bowen: You lost both your parents.
Danny Archer: That's a polite way of putting it, ja. Mum was raped and shot and uh... Dad was decapitated and hung from a hook in the barn. I was nine... boo-hoo right?

Danny Archer: American, huh?
Maddy Bowen: Guilty.
Danny Archer: Well, Americans usually are.
Maddy Bowen: ...Says the white South African?
Danny Archer: Ts ts ts ts. I'm from Rhodesia!
Maddy Bowen: We say Zimbabwe now, don't we?
Danny Archer: Do we?
Maddy Bowen: Last time I checked.

Danny Archer: Why don't we go back to your place, see what's in the mini bar?
Maddy Bowen: I'm a print journalist... I drank it.

Danny Archer: you find yourself a good man alright?
Maddy Bowen: I have THREE sisters, they're all married to good men.

Danny Archer: I'm really happy I met you.
Maddy Bowen: Yeah I'm um...
Maddy Bowen: I'm really happy I met you too. And, I wish I could be there with you.
Danny Archer: That's alright. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

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