Madame Blanc Quotes

Latest Madame Blanc quotes from Suspiria

Madame Blanc

 Madame Blanc chatacter image

Madame Blanc is played by Tilda Swinton in Suspiria.


A delusion is lies that tell truth image

A delusion is lies that tell truth


This isn't vanity! This isn't art! image

This isn't vanity! This isn't art!


You don't look better, or are you this pale all the time? image

You don't look better, or are you this pale all the time?


Love and manipulation, they share houses very often. They are frequent bedfellows.


Patricia wrote about "Three Mothers" lost to time, predating all Christian invention. Pre-God, pre-devil. Mother Tenebrarum, Mother Lachrymarum and Mother Suspiriorum. Darkness, tears, and sighs.


It's difficult not to be curious about you.


Movement is never mute. It is a language. It's a series of energetic shapes written in the air like words forming sentences. Like poems. Like prayers.


Dr. Josef Klemperer : You can give someone your delusion, Sara. That's religion.
Dr. Josef Klemperer : That is the Reich.


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