Lt. Werner Quotes

Latest Lt. Werner quotes from Das Boot

Lt. Werner

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Lt. Werner is played by Herbert Grönemeyer in Das Boot.


Lt. Werner: Captain?
Captain: I'm sorry.
Lt. Werner: You think it's hopeless now?
Captain: It's been 15 hours. He'll never do it. I'm sorry.
Lt. Werner: They made us all train for this day. "To be fearless and proud and alone. To need no one, just sacrifice. All for the Fatherland." Oh God, all just empty words. It's not the way they said it was, is it? I just want someone to be with. The only thing I feel is afraid.


Captain: Take pictures of the crew returning, not putting out to sea.
Lt. Werner: Why?
Captain: They'll have grown beards by then. It would shame the Tommies to see mere boys give them Hell. Baby faces. Ones that should still suck mama's breast.
Captain: I feel ancient around these kids, like I'm on some Children's Crusade.


Captain: I'm sorry.
Lt. Werner: Is it hopeless?
Captain: It's been 15 hours. He's not going to pull it off. I'm sorry.
Lt. Werner: I asked for it. 'To be heading into the inexorable... where no mother will care for us... no woman crosses our path... where only reality reigns... with cruelty and grandeur.' I was drunk with those words. Well, this is reality.


Captain: Do you have a sense of romantic?
Lt. Werner: Excuse me?
Captain: There, the empty house next to the warehouse, is that for you?
Lt. Werner: Not that I would know, isn't that area out of bounds?
Captain: Oh yes.


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