Little Bill Daggett Quotes

Latest Little Bill Daggett quotes from Unforgiven

Little Bill Daggett

Little Bill Daggett chatacter image

Little Bill Daggett is played by Gene Hackman in Unforgiven.


I suppose you know, Bob, if I ever see you again I'm just going to start shooting and figure it was self-defense. image

I suppose you know, Bob, if I ever see you again I'm just going to start shooting and figure it was self-defense.

Now Ned, them whores are going to tell different lies than you. And when their lies ain't the same as your lies... Well, I ain't gonna hurt no woman. But I'm gonna hurt you. And not gentle like before... but bad. image

Now Ned, them whores are going to tell different lies than you. And when their lies ain't the same as your lies... Well, I ain't gonna hurt no woman. But I'm gonna hurt you. And not gentle like before... but bad.

Now all you gotta do is pull the trigger mister. image

Now all you gotta do is pull the trigger mister.

Little Bill Daggett: You been talking about that Queen of yours, again, Bob?
Little Bill Daggett: On Independence Day?

I'll have that thirty-two Bob.

Let the man out W.W. He's desiring to leave the hospitality of Big Whiskey behind him.

Yeah, well, a lotta folks did call him "Two Gun," but that wasn't because he was sportin' two pistols. No, it was because he had a dick that was so big, it was longer than the barrel on that Walther Colt that he carried. And the only insultin' he ever did was to stick that thing of his into this French lady that English Bob here was kinda sweet on.

I guess you think I'm kicking you Bob!

Ned Logan: I sure do miss my bed.
Will Munny: You said that last night.
Ned Logan: No, last night I said I missed my wife, tonight I just miss my dadgum bed.

Will Munny: I ain't like that no more. I ain't the same, Ned. Claudia, she straightened me up, cleared me of drinkin' whiskey and all. Just 'cause we're goin' on this killing, that don't mean I'm gonna go back to bein' the way I was. I just need the money, get a new start for them youngsters. Ned, you remember that drover I shot through the mouth and his teeth came out the back of his head? I think about him now and again. He didn't do anything to deserve to get shot, at least nothin' I could remember when I sobered up.
Ned Logan: You were crazy, Will.
Will Munny: Yeah, no one liked me. Mountain boys all thought I was gonna shoot 'em out of pure meanness.
Ned Logan: Well, like I said, you ain't like that no more.
Will Munny: That's right. I'm just a fella now. I ain't no different than anyone else no more.

Will Munny: I seen 'em, Ned, I seen the angel of death, he's got snake eyes.
Ned Logan: Who Will, who's got snake eyes?
Will Munny: It's the angel of death. Oh Ned, I'm scared of dying.
Ned Logan: Easy, partner, easy.
Will Munny: I see Claudia too.
Ned Logan: That's good, Will, that's good you saw Claudia, ain't it?
Will Munny: Her face was all covered with worms. Oh Ned, I'm scared, I'm dying. Don't tell nobody, don't tell my kids, none of the things I done, hear me?
Ned Logan: All right, Will.

Ned Logan: Hell, Will. We ain't bad men no more. Shit, we're farmers.
Will Munny: Should be easy killing them, supposing they don't go on down to Texas first.
Ned Logan: How long has it been since you fired a gun at a man, Will? Nine, ten years?
Will Munny: Eleven.
Ned Logan: Easy, huh? Hell, I don't know that it was all that easy even back then. And we was young and full of beans. I mean, if you was mad at 'em, Will, I mean. If they'd done you some wrong, I could see shooting 'em.
Will Munny: We done stuff for money before, Ned.
Ned Logan: Yeah, we thought we did. All right, so what did these fellas do? Cheat at cards? Steal some strays? Spit on a rich fella? What?
Will Munny: No, they cut up a woman.
Ned Logan: What?
Will Munny: Yeah, they cut up her face, cut her eyes out, cut her fingers off, cut her tits, everything but her cunty, I suppose.
Ned Logan: I'll be dogg - Golly, I guess they got it comin'. 'Course, you know, Will, if Claudia was alive you wouldn't be doin' this.

Will Munny: Hey, Kid!
Ned Logan: KID? Is that Kid shooting at us?

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