Lisa Carol Fremont Quotes

Latest Lisa Carol Fremont quotes from Rear Window

Lisa Carol Fremont

Lisa Carol Fremont chatacter image

Lisa Carol Fremont is played by Grace Kelly in Rear Window.


I'm not much on rear window ethics. image

I'm not much on rear window ethics.

Why would Thorwald want to kill a little dog? Because it knew too much? image

Why would Thorwald want to kill a little dog? Because it knew too much?

According to you, people should be born, live, and die in the same place. image

According to you, people should be born, live, and die in the same place.

Jeff, you know if someone came in here, they wouldn't believe what they'd see. You and me with long faces plunged into despair because we find out a man didn't kill his wife. We're two of the most frightening ghouls I've ever known.

Tell me exactly what you saw and what you think it means.

Well, if there's one thing I know, it's how to wear the proper clothes.

A woman never goes anywhere but the hospital without packing makeup, clothes, and jewelry.

A murderer would never parade his crime in front of an open window.

Oh I love funny exiting lines.

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