Lee Iacocca Quotes

Latest Lee Iacocca quotes from Ford v Ferrari (2019)

Lee Iacocca

Lee Iacocca chatacter image

Lee Iacocca is played by Jon Bernthal in Ford v Ferrari (2019).


Lee Iacocca : James Bond does not drive a Ford, sir.
Henry Ford II : That's because he's a degenerate. image

Lee Iacocca : James Bond does not drive a Ford, sir.
Henry Ford II : That's because he's a degenerate.


Lee Iacocca : Mr. Ford, Ferrari has a message for you, sir. image

Lee Iacocca : Mr. Ford, Ferrari has a message for you, sir.


Henry Ford II : What did he say?
Lee Iacocca : He said Ford makes ugly little cars in ugly factories.
Henry Ford II : And uh...
Lee Iacocca : He called you fat, sir.
Henry Ford II : We're gonna bury Ferrari at Le Mans.


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