Lance Corporal Blake Quotes

Latest Lance Corporal Blake quotes from 1917 (2019)

Lance Corporal Blake

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Lance Corporal Blake is played by Dean-Charles Chapman in 1917 (2019).


Lance Corporal Blake : You swapped it? For what?
Lance Corporal Schofield : Bottle of wine.
Lance Corporal Blake : What did you do that for?
Lance Corporal Schofield : I was thirsty.

Lance Corporal Blake : You'll be wanking again in no time!
Lance Corporal Schofield : Wrong hand.

Lance Corporal Schofield : [talking about his reckon] I swapped it with a French captain.

Lance Corporal Blake : Am I dying?
Lance Corporal Schofield : Yes... yes, I think you are.

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