Katharine Hepburn Quotes

Latest Katharine Hepburn quotes from The Aviator

Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn chatacter image

Katharine Hepburn is played by Cate Blanchett in The Aviator.


Howard, there's a rather alarming mountain heading our way. image

Howard, there's a rather alarming mountain heading our way.

 Can't you just eat ice cream out of a bowl, like everyone else? image

Can't you just eat ice cream out of a bowl, like everyone else?

 Let me take the wheel. image

Let me take the wheel.

Men can't be friends with women Howard. They must posses them or leave them be. It's a primitive urge from caveman days. It's all in Darwin. Hunt the flesh. Kill the flesh. Eat the flesh. That's the, ah, male sex all over.


You know, fame is supposed to be my turf.


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