Kate Forster Quotes

Latest Kate Forster quotes from The Lake House 2006

Kate Forster

Kate Forster chatacter image

Kate Forster is played by Sandra Bullock in The Lake House 2006.


One man I can never meet. Him, I would like to give my whole heart to. image

One man I can never meet. Him, I would like to give my whole heart to.


You waited. image

You waited.


I sometimes feel as if I'm invisible, as if no one can see me at all. I never felt that way when I lived at the Lake House. image

I sometimes feel as if I'm invisible, as if no one can see me at all. I never felt that way when I lived at the Lake House.


Even though this is clearly impossible, it's amazing. image

Even though this is clearly impossible, it's amazing.


 My dog is eight years old, six in your time; skinny, has sad eyes, snores, and sleeps like a human. image

My dog is eight years old, six in your time; skinny, has sad eyes, snores, and sleeps like a human.


Can this be happening? image

Can this be happening?


Life is not a book, Alex. And it can be over in a second. I was having lunch with my mother at Daley Plaza and a man was killed right in front of me. He died in my arms. And I thought, "It can't end just like that on Valentine's Day." And I thought about all the people who love him, waiting at home, who will never see him again. And then I thought, "What if there is no one? What if you live your whole life and no one is waiting?"


I have to learn to live the life that I have got. Please don't write anymore. Don't try to find me. Let me let you go.


Fix the light. Get dog food. Get human food.


You want to move that piece? Nice!


It's kind of a long distance relationship.


Here's a little something for you. There was a freak blizzard in the spring of 2004. So, watch out for that April snow.


I miss the Lake House. And its trees.


Maybe we should properly introduce ourselves.


What is this, Jr. High?


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