Karl Stromberg Quotes

Latest Karl Stromberg quotes from The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Karl Stromberg

Karl Stromberg chatacter image

Karl Stromberg is played by Curd Jürgens in The Spy Who Loved Me (1977).


I've been expecting you. image

I've been expecting you.

Observe, Mr. Bond, the instruments of Armageddon. image

Observe, Mr. Bond, the instruments of Armageddon.

Within minutes, New York and Moscow will cease to exist. image

Within minutes, New York and Moscow will cease to exist.

It was you who betrayed me. You had access to all the information. Now you will pay the penalty. image

It was you who betrayed me. You had access to all the information. Now you will pay the penalty.

Stromberg : Were they the two on the train?
Stromberg : James Bond. And the woman is Major Amasova, a Russian agent. Let them get to shore... and then kill them.


I've been expecting you.


Observe, Mr. Bond, the instruments of Armageddon.


Within minutes, New York and Moscow will cease to exist.


It was you who betrayed me. You had access to all the information. Now you will pay the penalty.
Stromberg : Were they the two on the train?
Stromberg : James Bond. And the woman is Major Amasova, a Russian agent. Let them get to shore... and then kill them.


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