John Wick Quotes

Latest John Wick quotes from John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)

John Wick

John Wick chatacter image

John Wick is played by Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019).


The Director : All of this for what, because of a puppy?
John Wick : It wasn't just a puppy.


 I still have time. image

I still have time.


John Wick :I need your help.
Sofia : After this, we are less than even.


I have served. I will be of service. image

I have served. I will be of service.


The Elder : Why do you want to live?
John Wick : To remember Helen. To remember us.


Charon : What do you need?
John Wick : Guns. Lots of guns.


Sofia : He shot my dog!
John Wick : I get it.


John Wick : Sofia, we're not going in like the old days, just a conversation.
Sofia : Nothing's ever just a conversation with you, John.


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