Jack Quotes

Latest Jack quotes from A Star Is Born (2018)


Jack chatacter image

Jack is played by Bradley Cooper in A Star Is Born (2018).


Maybe its time to let the old ways die. image

Maybe its time to let the old ways die.


 It's you I idolized, it wasn't dad. image

It's you I idolized, it wasn't dad.


 All you got to do is trust me. That's all you got to do. image

All you got to do is trust me. That's all you got to do.


 There's a friend of mine who came a long way to be here and she wrote a great song and I'd just like her to sing it. I think it's pretty fucking good. image

There's a friend of mine who came a long way to be here and she wrote a great song and I'd just like her to sing it. I think it's pretty fucking good.


Rez Gavron : No drink?
Jack : No socks? image

Rez Gavron : No drink?
Jack : No socks?


Jack : What do you want me to play?
Emerald : I don't care. Just look at me while you do it.


Ramon : How you doin', papo?
Jack : How am I doing? I'm doing all right if I can get a fucking drink.


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