Hope van Dyne Quotes
Latest Hope van Dyne quotes from ant man
Hope Van Dyne : This bozo here got caught stealing a smoothie machine.
Luis : Two... smoothie machines.
Luis : Thank you for the coffee ma'am. It's not too often that you rob a place, and then get welcomed back. Because we just robbed you!
Hope Van Dyne : You know that he was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine, right?
Luis : Two smoothie machines.
Darren Cross : Imagine a soldier the size of an insect, the ultimate secret weapon...
Hank Pym : You give godlike powers to everyone, it's gonna be chaos!
The suit has power, and you have to learn how to control it... and these are your greatest allies.
I gave them each half a Xanax and Hank explained the science of the suit to them. Fell right asleep.
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