Howard Hughes Quotes

Latest Howard Hughes quotes from The Aviator

Howard Hughes

Howard Hughes chatacter image

Howard Hughes is played by Leonardo DiCaprio in The Aviator.


 Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints... show me all the blueprints... show me all the blueprints... show me all the blueprints... image

Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints... show me all the blueprints... show me all the blueprints... show me all the blueprints...


 I want ten chocolate chip cookies. Medium chips. None too close to the outside. image

I want ten chocolate chip cookies. Medium chips. None too close to the outside.


Howard Hughes : Do you know those men? Do they work for me?
Noah Dietrich : Everybody works for you, Howard. image

Howard Hughes : Do you know those men? Do they work for me?
Noah Dietrich : Everybody works for you, Howard.


The way of the future... image

The way of the future...


 I'm Howard Hughes, the aviator. image

I'm Howard Hughes, the aviator.


Sometimes I truly fear that I... am losing my mind. And if I did it... it would be like flying blind.


Little Howard likes citrus.


I'm in a street fight, and I'm not going to lose.


I care very much about aviation.


That's just what we do in my business.


Find me some clouds!


You have called me a liar and a thief and a war profiteer.


Don't tell me I can't do it; don't tell me it can't be done!


Come in with the milk. Come in with the milk. Come in with the milk.


What the hell does a senator from Maine need to fly to Peru for?


You don't care about money because you've always had it.


Mrs. Hepburn : We don't care about money here.
Howard Hughes : That's because you have it.


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