Helen Parr Quotes

Latest Helen Parr quotes from The Incredibles

Helen Parr

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Helen Parr is played by Holly Hunter in The Incredibles.


Edna: I didn't know the baby's powers so I covered the basics.
Helen: Jack-Jack doesn't have any powers.
Edna: No? Well, he'll look fabulous anyway.

Helen: Now I'm losing him! What'll I do? What'll I do?
Edna: What are you talking about?

Helen: Huh?
Edna: You are Elastigirl! My God...
Edna: Pull-yourself-together! "What will you do?" Is this a question? You will show him you remember that he is Mr. Incredible, and you will remind him who *you* are. Well, you know where he is. Go, confront the problem. Fight! Win!
Edna: And call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy our visits.

Helen: Dash... this is the third time this year you've been sent to the office. We need to find a better outlet. A more... constructive outlet.
Dash: Maybe I could, if you'd let me go out for sports.
Helen: Honey, you know why we can't do that.
Dash: But I promise I'll slow up. I'll only be the best by a tiny bit.
Helen: Dashiell Robert Parr, you are an incredibly competitive boy, and a bit of a show-off. The last thing you need is temptation.
Dash: You always say 'Do your best', but you don't really mean it. Why can't I do the best that I can do?
Helen: Right now, honey, the world just wants us to fit in, and to fit in, we gotta be like everyone else.
Dash: But Dad always said our powers were nothing to be ashamed of, our powers made us special.
Helen: Everyone's special, Dash.
Dash: Which is another way of saying no one is.

Helen: E, it's great to see you, but I gotta tell you, I've got no idea what you're talking about.
Edna: Yes, words are useless! Gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble! Too much of it, darling, too much! That is why I show you my work! That is why you are here!

Helen: What on earth do you think the baby will be doing?
Edna: Well, I am sure I don't know, darling. Luck favors the prepared.

Snug, I'm calling in a solid you owe me.

Mirage: Oh... Hello! You must be Mrs. Incre...
Mr. Incredible: She was helping me to escape!
Elastigirl: No, that's what *i* was doing.

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