Harry Osborn Quotes

Latest Harry Osborn quotes from Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Harry Osborn

Harry Osborn chatacter image

Harry Osborn is played by James Franco in Spider-Man 3 (2007).


 They're my best friends. I'd give my life for them. image

They're my best friends. I'd give my life for them.


 If you wanna see Peter alive again, you're gonna do something for me. image

If you wanna see Peter alive again, you're gonna do something for me.


Coffee Shop Waitress : How's the pie?
Harry Osborn : So good... image

Coffee Shop Waitress : How's the pie?
Harry Osborn : So good...


Harry Osborn : Hey Bernard? Do I have any girlfriends?
Bernard : Not that I know of, sir. image

Harry Osborn : Hey Bernard? Do I have any girlfriends?
Bernard : Not that I know of, sir.


If you want Peter to live, you're going to do something for me.


 Hey, Pete! Am I interrupting? image

Hey, Pete! Am I interrupting?


Hope Pete's getting a shot of this. image

Hope Pete's getting a shot of this.


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