H.G. Tannhaus 1987 Quotes

Latest H.G. Tannhaus 1987 quotes from Dark

H.G. Tannhaus 1987

H.G. Tannhaus 1987 chatacter image

H.G. Tannhaus 1987 is played by Christian Steyer in Dark.


Have you ever heard the term "bootstrap paradox"? Well, in a bootstrap paradox an artifact, or any information, is sent back to the past from the future. And this, in turn, creates an infinite cycle in which the artifact doesn't have a real origin anymore. It exists without ever having been created. To put it simply, this book has traveled back through time. It found me before I even wrote it. It's all a question of origin. Where is the beginning? When is the beginning? Is there a beginning at all? The world is full of such paradoxes.

What we know is a drop. What we don't know is an ocean

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